My friend and I went to purchase some heroin from our usual place and they were out so we decided to get some from a different source. I used one bag to try it out and my friend started preparing 3 bags like usual and I told him to wait and I will try the one first and I am glad I did. I did the one and felt a big rush and last thing I remember is looking at him and saying its strong and the next thing I remember is waking up with my friend next to me and the car door opened with him on the phone saying ,"He woke up". I was really confused and had a terrible taste and at first could not understand why we were in this parking lot and would not believe him that I had overdosed. I am glad that we always carry naloxone and that there are services like yours out there. I have saved and have seen many others saved from certain death by angels like you and this miracle drug. I only wish that more people had access.

Dan CoelloPhiladelphia